engine very noisy


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Aug 24, 2006
hi.. i have a problem and i hope u guys can help me with this..
my car is satria 1.3,engine is very noisy especially when starting the engine..
according to my friend,the noisy sound comes from compressor,and according to my other friend,it comes from my timing belt..
according to me,it comes from the right side underneath the bonnet..
my questions are,
how do i fix this sound?need to change timing belt isit(because my friend said so).. or the belting at the aircond.. or anything else?(do correct me if im wrong,noob here needs help.. hehe)
where is the timing belt located?
roughly how much do i need to spend to fix this?
any suggestion of shop around petaling jaya area?
hope u guys can help me,the sound discourages me..
It's pretty hard to rectify the problem without hearing what sound it creates from under your hood as there are many possibilities not to mention many different sounds aswell,but my best guess is that your timing belt is due,especially if you are driving a second hand car or it's mileage has gone above 80k.,
actually where is the timing belt? how much will it cost me to change my timing belt? my car is a second hand car and yes it's mileage is 90k+ currently.. thankss
sometimes not the timing belt ...... belt loose also makes sound .... timing belt costs around 100++ sometimes fan belt of maybe powersteering belt .... must gib pl check one
Well....better go and service la....the timing belt....and all the other belt.....2nd hand some more.....one day the belt putus more things to change and fix......preventive is better than cure bro....
hmm.. perhaps define de 'noisy sound' bro? engine noisy can be caused by alot of factors one..
When you change your timing belt its best to change all the other 3 belts in your car too.

what is needed to change:
1.Timing belt (make sure that it is a mitsu original belt, try not to use proton timing belt)
2.The timing belt package should also come with a bearing.The bearing is used to tension the timing belt, please do remember that when the bearing wears out a sound would apear.
3.Water pump.People usually forget about this little thing, this could save you not only hundreds but maby thousand of your money.time to time the water pump would wear out and if you do not take care of your radiator it would rust and will jam at one point, where your car would overheat. now that would cost you alot of money there.
4.All the 3 beltings, air cond belt, power steering belt and another one (forgotten the name)

although all the stuff might come up to 500++ but its for a piece of mind! :shades_smile:
Do u have voice recorder?... if do, then record and upload it here, its hard to decide which part giving the noise.

Consult neareast car doctor ..
Right side you said? Well you can try to remove the cable to the alternator and listen if the sound is gone.

Recently I changed my alternator to a recon (no money for new :( ) and the sound subsided immediately. To check, just remove the cable at the bottom of the air-con belt.
just now i fixed the timing belt and all,costs about rm295 including labour. and the problem still occured. but this time,the noise reduced. but of course,still have la. the mechanic said that the sound is from the compressor. is the fan belt from the compressor? how much is it for replacing fan belt? thanks
and the sound is like grr grr grr grr grr grr grr from the right side of the engine if u are standing infront of the engine..
aircon compressor? OFF the aircon n hear whether the sound is there....

if ur mech oledi checked n confimr is compressor spoiled...then either u keep uisng it or get it change only....

owes revv kawkaw wit airocn ON? hehe :)
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