Empty Tank Thwarts Thief


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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2005
medan indonesia
During my student days,my mode of transportation was new honda ex5 bike.Due to budget constraints through,i would usually fill it up only rm1 or rm2 worth of fuel,and risked the bike running out of gas most of time.I didn't worry much since the petrol station were so close with my house,and the were always friends like to borrow my bike.One day my ex5 started jerking the way it usually did when it's travelling only on petrol fumes,so i rode it to petrol station to fill up around midnight.I left the key in the ignition when i went to to counter to pay,but i noticed 2 suspicious guys on this bike next to my petrol pump.Suddenly,the passenger of that bike jumped on my bike and both rode away.It happened so fast,i was shocked!Luckily,there was another biker there,and he helped me to chase the thieves.The best part was,we didn't have to go far...my bike ran out of petrol in front of shop nearby with petrol station,forcing the thieves to abandon my ex5,and make quick getaway!That was the day t thanked god i never filled it up to full tank or i would have to said goodbye to my ex5.hehehe...!!!how?True story during my mad college time.(2001 kl)
Only prove one thing... thieves ARE STUPID when working alone. With a syndicate, they work smarter and better. Syndicates include people working in chop shop, shipping business, police, JPJ, insurance and even own friends!
You must be lucky, that is like another 10 seconds, you will be stucked at somewhere and start pushing the bike.
To put it bluntly, you're quite silly to leave your keys on the bike. Never ever leave your keys on the ignition of any cars or bikes or trucks.
hahaha..yalor!feel i am too lucky that night.who will know got 2 stupid thieves come curi my bike on midnight...i think it around 1am someting...yes,that time really sunyi...on that station.somemore i stay there so long(budak tempatan)my hometown mah!anyway,thank god!if it really lost...sure i kena hentam by dad. ^^
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