Downpipe search for Jetta 1.4TSI

apek beca

Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
I'm looking for a shop that's really good at what they are doing.
Especially those that really understands VW 1.4TSI(Jetta).
Minimum potong potong la... Socket are better right?
Those imported don't do welded coz it's harder to ship or there's another reason to it.

Some says that for 1.4TSI 3.0" would lowered it's "pick up"
If it's so then what's the best size?

Those European DP don't have anything for Jetta.
Prefers not too noisy. Just wants it to fart.
If I'm doing this I need another advice.
A) Imported catback + local DP
B) Fully local DP + catback

I'm just only asking.Trying out Stage 1 first
Not enough juice & if my money still bites my pocket then I'll really do it.
Thanks for sharing.
I've got afew friends with branded catback.
Yup... U pays for what U get. European made sounds really rocks.

I'm on a Jetta. They don't make DP for my model
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