DLS 6.5"Component - B6


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Senior Member
Feb 18, 2006
Hi sifu,

plan to upgrade my DLS 6.5 Component set - B6. want to get 1 set 6.5" Component to replace the DLS-B6 (Front) , and DLS B6 put at the back, replace for the wira stock 6x9" speaker.

SQ kaki, budget below RM 700. any good 6.5" component set within my budget ?

need to know the model , price and where can buy..


HU - Eclipse CD3000
Amp - 4 channel Prokick F1-504
Elec- X-Over - Prokick XO-318
Front - DLS 6.5" B6 - Component.
Rear - Wira stock 6X9" speaker.
get another DLS la if u like the sound...
i think R6A and M6A can get if u shop around..
hi zenn sifu,

do u know what is the prices for R6A and MS6A ?
How about soundstream LS.60C compare to DLS ? RM4XX only...

ss LS tweeter so sharp one....sakit telinga laaaa....

im not that familiar with new dls pricing after they have new distributor, but much more shops selling it now and prices are more competitive, u have to shop around for yourself la bro....the shop i go to doesnt have dls
Zenn said:
ss LS tweeter so sharp one....sakit telinga laaaa....

im not that familiar with new dls pricing after they have new distributor, but much more shops selling it now and prices are more competitive, u have to shop around for yourself la bro....the shop i go to doesnt have dls

ok ok .. thanks...
try to go to shops having promotion on kicker and mohawk, as dls comes from the same distributor. u just missed one at KKLau PJ few months back and there was one in the shop next to KF audio in aman suria, but not many DLS components, more on kicker and mohawk. so u have to drive around more lah to find these shops and hope your timing will be better...
B6 veli good liao lor...
with this price.
the tweeter look nice too :P
jchin2 said:
Heh loon1031,
this model u saw from pro-ice too??

U mean DLS R6A?
Nope.. Pro-ICE one not that cheap...Last time Pro-ICE DLS B6 cost RM1K liao!
R6A as reference ..if from Pro-ICE won't that cheap...
So which acc shop u saw this model,izzit from china or ntc?
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