Car just got broken into


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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
It was park in the house n 2 guys on motorcycle broke into it in ss23 pj... the time I woke up he was just climbing over the gate to get out...initial damage...

broken window,
alpine player
defi boost, wtr temp,fuel press, boost n control unit...
Microtech ltx12....

cant even start the damn car now :(
walau...damn those people...want to steal so early in the the way...lucky u saw them...if not more of ur item will be gone...take care man!! :angry:
fark them man...i know how u feel...these farkers should die a horrible death...we work our @ss of to get those stuffs and they simply steal em..even ur microtech...i think they marked ur car already and know whats inside...
even brave enough to panjat masuk... :angry: :angry: :angry:
Only if I had a gun... don't think I would have hesitate to shoot :angry: my poor baby :(
yeah lorr , car was aimed la i tink..
microtech :( and Defi's :( enough to cry out loud
must be someone u know... how tf did they know the loc of ur microtec man??
sheesh... i feel sorry for u bro.
its gettin worst day by day
wahlaneh....but seriously....these past few days...a lot of these cases where the thief know wat u have and wats valuable to take....i think there a new syndicate going ard....becareful when u tuning ur car....those curious bystanders might just be one of them....a lot of my fren oso kena....they know where he put e manage and stuff....shit...
Originally posted by Muz@Jan 9 2005, 06:09
Only if I had a gun... don't think I would have hesitate to shoot :angry: my poor baby :(
u can get a replacement for a gun...
get an airsoft gun wei...
shoot where it will hurt the most....
f*#k those thieves <_<
u should get a cctv...
or cheap camera la...
where it is like a webcam linked to ur com using wireless...etc etc...

Fark those CB fella. Damn, we pay high tax for the car and that's the security service we have in malaysia, Fark goverment and Police force also. :angry:
sorry for you bro..

shit, damn those thieves..
we should get rid of these assholes.......
what is the polis doing???
wahlauweh !!
microtech alpine defi

those are very expensive !

sorry to hear that bro
oh shit man....I remember asking you is it safe to put those there and this is what happened.....just when I was thinking they wont target sports cars....berani sorry to hear that Muz dude especially the Microtech and Defis..... :(
Some pictures of what they did to my baby :angry:

Also when the detective came over to check on the car he mention that an EVO 8 down the street had both his front seat removed...and the car was also in the house...they didnt even find any finger prints :( these bastards have been keep and extra eye out on your cars...
Originally posted by SataniC@Jan 9 2005, 09:37
wahlaneh....but seriously....these past few days...a lot of these cases where the thief know wat u have and wats valuable to take....i think there a new syndicate going ard....becareful when u tuning ur car....those curious bystanders might just be one of them....a lot of my fren oso kena....they know where he put e manage and stuff....shit...
possibly the thief is some you know...maybe it's someone from ur workshop or someone who has been to ur workshop??
workshop nowadays cannot percaya one..
i know how it feels... my car's just been broken into lately too... fark these damn thieves!
Don't mean to cause any harm, hence the word "should" in my posting. Anyway, that was just a personal opinion. In fact, all my postings are always personal opinion and/or suggestions. Well, I've already removed the posting if it's giving that kind of impression.
no hard feeling. I delete my post as well.

yah, i understand that, but i just want to point out that it's not our fault to have all the gadget installed in our beloved vehicle. Those are all big boy toys we bought by our hard earn money. Doing like what you said earlier is like we are chicken about those damage they did to us.

Goverment and Police are the responsible party in this case.
Why are we paying tax to goverment? Is this the kind of living environment we want? Frankly, I really tak kisah whether Malaysia can archieve Wawasan 2020 or not. I'm just looking for a living environment that is peace and safe.

btw, my car is stock, no gadget install. :P
Happy posting. :P
No worries about the postings. Well, like you, I feel that we should have our freedom to whatever we want inside and outside our cars. The unfortunate thing is that it'll attract the thieve's attention. It's darn unfair that we have to worry / be extra cautious / etc. which probably make us can't rest and sleep well during the night. Honestly, I'd like to have a tacho meter with shift light in my car as well but with all the reports of car thefts, sigh... It really pisses me off to a very sadistic level.
Sad to hear that, man. Hard to prevent as they already mark your car. :(
huh..sorry to hear that bro Muz...guess your car already been mark.

Believe me ... it happen to my car before summore twice..!! dang...

anyway guys...just past few weeks i meet few of my friends in Imbi/Bukit bintang side..(underground people lar.. :D ) .. they told me that there are few people (Malay's i;m not racist over here but this is the info my friend give it to me) selling stolen stuff like meters / player/ cd and even some dare to sell god damn recaro seat and even a mivec/gsr dashboard...!! What i heard from my friend this people move around and sometimes they even targeted halfcut workshop.... this MOFO... scout around if your car park in the house compund they will jump-in and look around first than only come back later after few days to break into your car...!!

i already told my few friends if they ever saw this few fellas they are going to get a hella beating from my friends.... cause one of my friend bum to this guy carrying a bag inside full of car players and performance meters..!! damn...
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