Brace yourselves: size of 400 football fields!


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Huge park for Klang Valley
KUALA LUMPUR: People from the Klang Valley will soon be enjoying a recreational park the size of about 400 football fields in the capital.
Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said the National Landscape Department was working with the Federal Territories Ministry and Kuala Lumpur City Hall to plan and suggest a suitable site for the park.
Ong did not want to disclose the location of the park but said it would be on a 162ha plot.
Currently, he said Malaysians, especially those living in urban areas, faced a shortage of areas for exercise and recreational activities.
INNOVATION: Ong trying the pillow selector machine at a booth after opening the Third International Health Fair 2006 in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
“All local authorities must ensure that land reserved for public recreational purposes are fully utilised,” he told a press conference after the opening of the Third International Health Fair 2006 here yesterday.
He said the Government did not want to ignore the need of the people while developing the city as a tourist destination.
Ong said local authorities must also provide enough allocation to build neighbourhood parks or public parks.
“We also must not forget about the existing ones like Taman Tasik Perdana that must continue to be maintained and beautified,” he added.
On another matter, Ong said that the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) was expected to be implemented early next year after the proposed Acts have been passed by Parliament.
He said the Acts related to the replacement of the Certificate of Fitness Occupation with CCC had been discussed and approved by the Cabinet and they were the Strata Titles Act, Registration of Engineers Act, Street, Drainage and Building Act and Architects Act, which would be tabled at the end of the current Parliament session.
He said that the Housing Development Act would be the last to be discussed and approved by the Cabinet in another one or two weeks before being tabled in Parliament.
He said the replacement would help reduce red tape and bureaucracy in the ministry and speed up the issuance of the CCC.
“The professionals will have to certify that the projects issued with CCC follow the rules and regulations required,” he added.
we should be happy. They are finally building a 400 football field sized park for people to make out in the park at night especially for those who are not able to book hotel rooms due to fear of being caught. I mean, let's look at it from a bright side. 400 football field! That's like.... erm....stripping away the petronas towers and all it's surrounding? hahaha Whatever la. Such a waste of money and resource.
All that cash COULD have gone to the less fortunate, the homeless, the struggling that is me. But of course a park! thats what we need!
not enough park? who needs park......we got plenty already....Lake Garden, KLCC Park, Titiwangsa Park, Ampang Park....and etc. what we need is football field.....plenty of them......coz back in 87' in my area radius of 10 kilometre we got 7 football the number....1.....
Park of a 400 football field size in the capital? Do KL still got that kind of space meh?
Cant they do more "park"ing lots rather than wasting money on other "parks"? .. its very hard to get parking in Malaysia but they wan build "park" .. sigh
i hope its gazzeting some forest area to be a park, instead of cutting down trees to make a park...which is opposite of what it would be...
I personally say that they should scrap the stupid idea. Build parks for malaysians to rest and relax more? My arse la. Go tell that to our bosses who thinks that job dedication is in fact giving the company 18 hours out of 24 hours in a day, giving the company 6.5 days in a week, etc. After telling our bosses that, go tell those crappy malaysians how to drive. Small accident, all slow down to 10kmh just to see how bad a kancil is after banging another kancil at 10kmh, and all sorts of stupid nonsense that causes a traffic jam. After doing that, tell the dumb arsed city councils to tar up all the lousy roads (I figure it's perhaps 90% of lousy roads in malaysia) nicely so that cars don't need to slow down to a crawl just to drive over a crack in the road.

I'm wondering what is going through the empty govt heads when they thought of this park crap. Why not they tear down the palace and build the park there. Dumb nuts.
I'm sick of this, just take a look at how government maintain Lake Garden (Taman Tasik Perdana).

Boleh-land can build any new things with tax payer money, and do not know how to maintain it. And do not know what ppl need, you have a park, but ppl wanted to jog here get roped.

PS: 2 guys with parang roped my friend when he want to jog in the park
the car gone
brand new pda phone gone
wallet gone
watch gone

and after that i register, pay and to jog at Fitness First instead.
forget about all the green, fresh air (since where KL got fresh air?), I just want to jog safely and no one will rope me, turn to my house 1 hr later, roped my house and rap my maid.
all that money to build a park so that sexual predators and rempits got a new target place... better to use the money to repair the dumb roads with potholes the size of footballs la bleardy government...
Well, it's our Boleh-land culture. Built and built but no maintanance at all. Just take a look at Commonwealth Park and Bukit Jalil Park. Shame....
notice the trend? govt always building new complexes and 'parks' to feed their constructors...and in the end just leave it to rot..and the cycle continues on and on..neverending story? lolz

Instead of building parks, y cant they make big projects like parking solutions like wat sakuraguy has said?

for eg, they can always build massive underground parking solution for kl or make some parking buildings etc..

for eg in subang..instead of forever collecting fines for double parking etc,,y cant they just make a large building for parking? MPSJ could easily make 1 beside inti college..instead they used that plot of land for their towing Taipan, the middle building which is a private parking could also be bought over..sigh..

My ranting will go on and on if i dont stop now..sorry for being out of topic :P
SIC as well, roof leak at K1 grandstand! Horrible rain just pour on the covered seats when I was there watching A1GP.
It is another enrich-a-UMNOPutera scheme lar, what else.

Proper planning? Priorities? Addressing what the people really need? This is Malaysia lar, where got proper planning one. I'll be damned if they are using their heads for the benefit of the people. They are either a) thinking of new get rich schemes. b) thinking of increasing their status so as to achieve a). c) thinking of stupid excuses to cover their stupid mistakes. d) thinking of stupid stunts they can pull to become jaguh kampung.
if u guys pass the dbkl building nearby dataran merdeka, u can see the distance from the road to the main entrance is like 500metres. and decorated with METAL FLOWERS wtf?! they couldve been smarter to convert that space into parking so that we can pay our summons or anything in peace rather then park by the road side and get NEW summons while we are inside ... really dumb no planning
As usual lar of their culture. All show and no substance. Building white elephants, making pointless stunts. All to soothe their own egos and to distract themselves from their failings. Constantly need things to shout about so they feel better about themselves.
Oh yeah, before we all forget, lets recap what the government has told us.

1) No money for petrol subsidies.
2) Not too long ago, they wanted to build some sports centre in England, when we already have one here which is not maintained properly.
3) Got money for brand new palace. Apparently, current palace not big enough. I wonder how often they have big events at the palace. The Agong doesn't even stay there.
4) Got money to send someone into space to clown around.
5) Got money to build super duper park in the middle of KL.

And now, according to some sources, toll prices will go up as well. Reason being the government cannot afford to subsidise toll prices anymore.

Wonder where all the money went hur?
si|verfish said:
And now, according to some sources, toll prices will go up as well. Reason being the government cannot afford to subsidise toll prices anymore.

Wonder where all the money went hur?
Datuk Seri make official announcement this morning.

Toll rates for five highways to go up on Jan 1

KUALA LUMPUR: Toll rates for five highways will go up on Jan 1 next year as the Government can no longer afford to subsidise toll increases, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said Monday.

If you try to ask PM, do we still have money to run the country? He will tell you, "OF COURSE WE DO"
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