Air CON not cool during trafic jam !!


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Mar 26, 2005
i owned an AE100,
during trafic jammed, my air con not cool at all. :cry_smile:
but if the car moving after 40km/h,
then the operation of the air con back to normal.

what is the cause of the problem ?? :confused_smile:
did any one faced the same problem before ??

Please kindly give advice to me.
i have such problems previously but slightly different from yours. My car's air-con will become hot after idling for a period of time (15-30mins). it will only turn cold after i escape from the jam or start moving after a while.

my problem lies with the compressor. i changed a recond compressor, and it was ok at first, but recently i suspect the compressor got some problems again. damn...

so, my advise is to get a new compressor if your compressor is the source of your problem.
wan ask, is there any chance that a compresor won't pump properly at low rpm? another prob that happen to me (even now) is that i don't have enough fan power to pull in enough cold air when car is not moving.

wan ask aircond sifu out there: my mech say that 4age use 132compresor, so need to use what 132 gas, if not compresor will go bad, but when i go to my aircond mech he die also only give me 12gas, saying that it will do just fine, and most aircond shop out there give even worse 9gas for 132compresor.. well.. i have no idea what they are talking about, except that my aircond isn't as cold as it use to.... but at night damn cold lar..
Ok, long post coming up so beware...then again all my posts are

Your compressor has a clutch, if this clutch fails or is going to fail then chances are at low RPM your compressor will not be running at its full capacity. There aren't many ways to overcome this other than to change the compressor or get somebody to open the compressor up and rebuild it to original specifications.

Another thing, most compressors if not all (not sure if all) have an oil refill plug. Most competant air-cond technicians will refill or at least check the level of oil in a compressor when doing a full service. This oil usually lubricates the internal bearings and basically keeps your compressor running quietly and efficiently. Usually this oil will not require topping up unless you're changing a big component like the cooling coil or something else. But there's no harm in checking and the oil level in 2nd hand compressors should be checked.

As for refrigerant. R12 refrigerant or gas was banned in the US during the mid-90s. Manufacturers were required to switch to R22 or R132. R12 was phased out slowly and is almost impossible to acquire now. A car equipped with an R12 system has to be converted to accept R22 or R132. R134/132 is less efficient than R12 in terms of energy needed to provide coolness but is more friendly to the environment if compared to R12.

We still get R12 over here though cause well, we don't care about the environment... :D

I'm not too sure if an R132 equipped car will be able to run on R12 but I don't see it being a problem because we have a lot of new cars over here running R132 systems and if they are being refilled by our local air-cond boys and no complaints have been registered as of yet then it should be ok to run R12 in an R132 equipped car...I think...

Oh but an R12 equipped car cannot run R132 or R22 gas. I'm very sure of that!
vantageX said:
Another thing, most compressors if not all (not sure if all) have an oil refill plug. Most competant air-cond technicians will refill or at least check the level of oil in a compressor when doing a full service. This oil usually lubricates the internal bearings and basically keeps your compressor running quietly and efficiently. Usually this oil will not require topping up unless you're changing a big component like the cooling coil or something else. But there's no harm in checking and the oil level in 2nd hand compressors should be checked.

i changed my cooling coil a few days ago. but the mechanic did not check the compressor since the problem was rectified in the cooling coil. the valve was also changed. is there any way to check the compressor oil level? must the air con gas be refilled again if compressor oil is added?
I changed my cooling coil about a month back. Real old school air-cond guy did it and so I was talking to him about the compressor oil. He said whenever heavy work is carried out on the air-condition, the compressor's oil should be checked and filled accordingly. Its just routine maintenance according to him because things like the cooling coil don't fail often and when it does fail its safe practice to check the rest of the system.

He also said that its important to change the filter when the cooling coil is changed. There's no point running an old filter with a new cooling coil.

No, you don't have to refill the gas if the oil is added. Why are you worried about your compressor's oil by the way? I noticed you have another post on here asking as well. Your compressor is ok right?
vantageX said:
I changed my cooling coil about a month back. Real old school air-cond guy did it and so I was talking to him about the compressor oil. He said whenever heavy work is carried out on the air-condition, the compressor's oil should be checked and filled accordingly. Its just routine maintenance according to him because things like the cooling coil don't fail often and when it does fail its safe practice to check the rest of the system.

He also said that its important to change the filter when the cooling coil is changed. There's no point running an old filter with a new cooling coil.

No, you don't have to refill the gas if the oil is added. Why are you worried about your compressor's oil by the way? I noticed you have another post on here asking as well. Your compressor is ok right?

yup, compressor is fine. just changed the cooling coil and valve on saturday. the mechanic did not say anything bout the compressor. when i said the air-con is not cold, he checked and said the cooling coil is the problem.

what is the filter u said that is important to be changed? the valve?

lastly, how often do we need to add the compressor oil in normal circumstances? the last air-cond service i did for my car was a year ago.

Anyway, thanks for answering my doubts. I'm getting fed up with Proton and all the problems.:angry_smile:
vantageX said:
Ok, long post coming up so beware...then again all my posts are

hahaa.. i dun think anybody would mind a thing bout ur posts becoz they r all full of helpful contents. keep it up! :_:
in short your compressor is getting "weak".

What you can Try is increase your RPM bit during idling and hope it will make your aircond bit cooler..else you need to replace your compressor.
All type of compressor are able to re-fill compressor oil ???
Old type like my car - AE100 ???
New type ??
spacejimmy said:
All type of compressor are able to re-fill compressor oil ???
Old type like my car - AE100 ???
New type ??

can also. Only different is type of aircond gas use
bro, your aircon fan may not be running
i experience this in my car last month.

when idle the aircon not cold
but when the car moving the aircon only becomes colder.
i've just change the air con fan and everything's fine now.

check your aircon fan whether is it moving or not...
just turn on your aircon and see whether the fan moving or not...
If newer model cars, if the radiator fan not working or engine temperature goes high also will cut off the air cond.
Like vantageX said before, better look for those uncles that repair/service air cond to do trouble shooting, don't go to acc shops where you throw few hundred to 1k also cannot solve your problem.
Guys, I had similar problem, I think around 2 years back.

Aircon is HOT when idling, traffic jam and COLD when the car is moving.
Happened to two cars in my family last time.

The reason behind it? The aircon fan's dead. Mine was dead, replaced it, and it works fine, until today.

My sis' one is worse - the fan/motor not just died, but also melted, due to prolonged heat.

But again, maybe it's due to what the others might have said too.

Coz for my case, it was not the compressor that failed, but just the fan.

My 2 cents.
Yes, alot of thing that can contribute to air cond not cold, if a good service/repair man, he will check all for you. Some so-called pro(normally can get them on acc shops) will straight foward say is the compressor got problem or coil leaks or other parts in the air cond system or more accurate is changing a big part they can make more money and less problem. The main point is they are lazy and don't know much on air cond.
Sometimes a whole troubleshooting process will take 1-2 hours.
For old car, sometimes is the motor or the starter cannot run when the engine is started with air cond.
silverwave said:
what is the filter u said that is important to be changed? the valve?

lastly, how often do we need to add the compressor oil in normal circumstances? the last air-cond service i did for my car was a year ago.


Sorry took awhile, was looking for an image to help out. The filter is also known as the receiver dryer. Its function is to separate gas and liquid. It is also for filtering out moisture and dirt so that's why we also refer to it as a filter.

Your car may come equipped with a receiver dryer or an accumulator. The accumulator has the same functions as a receiver dryer and is usually found on later models.

As for the compressor oil from what I could tell with the air-cond dude. He says its best to check it once a year or after any major work has been done. Its basically just a safety measure and you should be ok if you had your system serviced a year ago.

Dammit, can't find my air cond book so taking everything from the top of my head at the moment. If I do find that book I'll let you know more about compressor lubrication. Sorry mate.
Relax man, don't blame your self. Normally all the people(serviceman) will check this first.
My air cond serviceman say if nothing hapeen on the air cond, there's no need to service it, as this migth cause more problem.
From the picture you show, I got 1 more part that will cause the air cond to not cold, is the expansion valve blocked.
Yup, got my expansion valve changed as well when I changed the cooling coil.

I guess your air cond serviceman is right in saying if nothing happen then don't service...but then again that's what we always hear from these guys right? Situation in Malaysia is always like this...sigh...
Nolah, some people that want more business will say you have to service every year. Like my wira, without service is colder than after service.
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