JB New Section........ Part 4.....

i using lancer front la...
fender right left - white
bonnet - white
bumper - blue

n change 4 doors....
front right - grey
front left - white
rear right - shite
rear left - red

change skirting to ori ones....but same look....
change rear bumper.....
n colour change to white colour....
dats it....!!!!

abt punctuality.....
i yesterday last minute oni decide to go de.....
coz i get to complete all my stuff earlier....
n time was like just nice to go TT.....

frank telling u to b punctual next time....
my coleauge just brought tat suzuki SUV cost him 56K sing w COE if remove COE is 39K X 2.28 (converstion rate) = RM88920 still cheaper by us abit onli............

I didnt know Starlet cost so much. knn.... yr 1995 EP82 worth RM4x,xxx. knn......
Freakking EP70 also need RM11K.... what the hell? Its anytime worth more thn SEG la.... basket....
Guess what, Ah hua there the blue starlet KP61 also need around there. Argh....!!!!
just stick to ur SEG la....
then change manual gb + racing clutch.....
T28 turbo....
re-do ur exhaust manifold....
custom ur intake manifold....
settle liao lo....
sure damn kao fast one!!!

dun come n say u wanna get married n all those shitz!!!!
coz yesterday u talk like u no need get married like dat!!!
sorry la.. i edi msg ashween that i had to go my grandma house rite.. my grandma is alone at home mar.. and my family is in hong kong.. last minute my grandma called me to go over there..
kenneth wanna b good grandson la....
dun angry wif him la...

kenneth whole family not around wei......
at night got naughty o not wor???
My fenz selling his WiSE dunno price yet will cfm again..............one thing slack is need to ship fr sarawak.....................shipment need pay by buyer............will update the spec once he wants to sell....................
wat kindda spec???
sarawak car price is higher right???
somemore wanna ship over here....
makes the price even higher rite???

basil buy la.....
since ur current wira u say is ur wife one la...
cannot mod n this n dat la...
get urself another car n play it!!!!
get ram;s full bucket as the 1st mod!!!
ohhh sorry didnt mention............all OEM spec.................no mod b4................
get it la...
power wei!!!
get it n use 14" or 15"....
change exhaust n open pod....
can tapau me edi....

dun believe u can ask ram they all.....
they witness it dat day....
somemore its on 16"....
if smaller tires i sure smell smoke!!!
so damn quiet from yesterday evening till now???
wat happen wei???
all go n hantu edi izzit???
some updates bout my car....
just went n take a look at it.....

the colour edi done.....
2X lacquer coat oso done edi.....
just need to touch up here n there......
spray the front n side skirt n door frame....
then fix the skirting.....
then polish the car......
then siap edi!!!!

tuesday or wednesday edi can get car....
happie happie.....

let me show off my car pics......heehee
sorry guys, was feeling unwell. down with fever....


ur white damn ganas sial....., ya la, where's ur front part picture???

i am upgrading my L2 fuel pump, current one seems not enough for my ecu settings....

any recommendation?
front view din take pics la.....
coz once i took the rear pics...
phone no more memory edi....

fuel pump???
change liao damn power one wei!!!
look at val;s car n u'll know...
total madness!!!!
ask val la......
he sure can giv u good recommendation.....

goin for TT!!!!
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