JB New Section........ Part 4.....

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with you and your ahbang relationship, i think no need 2009 la... if u wan, now also can do it man.... do it do it...... i dun think u can hold Neo for long...
wira spray white???
macam polis la....
dun wan la....

i actually quite like pearl white....
but then scrap the plan la.....
somemore to cover this black coat oso difficult...
sure more ex one.....

99% goin back for black.....
but then mayb diamond effect one la....
of flat black???
or just solid black....

mr kiasu....
u kene whole front...
sure quite kao la....
both head lights edi how much wor???

as i told u...
my bonnet oso din kene la...
u claim fender X2, headlight X2, bumper, bonnet + spray whole front part......
i oni claim fender X1, headlight X1, bumper X1 + spray oni fender + bumper......
work out the maths la.....

change whole body part really damn kao la....
i'd rather opt for projector headlamp lo.....
i wont use HID one la.....
got oso use projector then put HID for high beam.....

too many possibilities to do la...
but then end of the day still come down to the cost.....
no use think so much now......

n basil.....
y the fuck u emo here???
cannot tahan ur "acting" sial...
if u were to say this in front of me...
i'd most probably giv u a slap edi.....

u n kiasu wanna become cricket oso huh???
talk like so damn easy oni....
then y didnt u claim kao kao when u accident last time???
straight put evo/mivec/gsr/GTR/subaru front la....
my abang dun do balancing...
my abang dun do tuning....
n i dun wanna b in heavy debt!!!!
dig the hole too big...
end up will suffocate n die one wei!!!
hello mr 4G91

I kena my bodypart only, so engine no change hor. Only Radiator changed. You expect me put FTO front on my WAJA ah? Tiu...... Not i ask u change engine one hor... I only mentioned Bodyparts. Open eyes big big please.

If u wanna spray whole car, sure la change the parts u want then spray nice nice ma...no cheap, i know but whats the use if the workshop replace ori bumper to u?? u also dont want la, right?

If wanna save money, then let the workshop DO IT for u lo, maybe top up abit to spray the whole car.

and FYI, i not like cricket hor.
go n open ur eyes again la...
who the hell talking bout engine now???
i'm talkin bout bodypart all the while la....
u kene till radiator.....
sure bad la.....
haih......dunno the way u make judgement la.....

my car is not new anymore.....
the insurance company wont pay based on new part price....
anyway....its my car....
i know wat i wanna do to it....
different bodypart sure look nicer.....
but then not oni will burn my pocket...
it'll also attract police/jpj attention la.....

like i said....
i hav quite a number of alternative....
i can go n do all the things i listed n live by paying debt every mth.....
or i can do more priority things n live by paying debt for shorter period.....
lets do a rough calculation.....
u guys can say my calculation is wrong la....

my fren told me to repaur both cars is 2k++.....
meaning my claims will come up to 1k++ la......
lets say i wanna spray the whole car + change bodyparts + headlights......
i can say dat i need to fork out for the bodyparts n headlights....
the claim $$$ will end up being used for repair workmanship n spray.....

tell me how realistic is this calculation......
mayb i was wrong la....
still kindda blur now.....

bodyparts + headlights can easily be 1.5k la....
bodypart = RM800????
headlight = RM700???
giv n take around tis price lo.....
cal if u wan to say me till like tat then i got nothing to say liow lor.........

but i know u r frust lar.......who is not frust when kena accident rite..........is ok peace bro..................and finally dun mix me n CHB again ok.....................i am normal human n he is CHB............
at last new thread....
juz do wat is best for u now...
no use thinking too much....
since u have tight budget then u really got no choice...
dat's y i hoping to get sponsors.....

bodyparts really kindda dangerous for me la......
mayb just take ori wira front wif R3 front lip....
then projector headlight wif angel eyes....
mivec hood???

if really prepare 1500 as budget......
then i really hav to think of wat combination to do.....
1500 can get 1.8 block + balance + tuning again!!!!
okok...then just change to ori parts for now due to budget constrain. low profile also good la.

But spraying part if half half sure look dam geli man.

Sponsor? U can try bring a tabung during TT this friday. wahahaha.

* anyway, i got wira ori front bumper. but in malacca. Need 2 weeks before i go collect. U want?
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wait....!!! who said insurans pay out parts depends on your car year? ITS A MUST WORKSHOP USE NEW and ORI. Its INSURANS POLICY to pay NEW parts not used/old. Not say ur car old, thn they pay u in old parts price. wat a BULLSHIT...!!!
u see this? life is short. today u lucky. alive and posting. what is today wasnt that lucky aNd you end up.... xxxxxxxx.... how? wasted rite? so do 1.8l..... let the workshop kaotim the bumper and spray for you. At least you still able to get the thing done. but 1.8l? you ask insurans pay and see how? dun tell me debts la. even world richest man also in debts la.... have u check Mircosoft Bill profile yet?
oh yeah, even if you on debts also not that bad. imagine you on debts, but u use the money to play turbo and 1.8l, thn one day u king kong kiau. thn u get FOC.... you no need to pay 4ever but get to enjoy 1st...
Ya frank, u got a point. It's a compulsory to use new parts. But also depends on what u insured. 3rd party bye bye.
oh yeah, even if you on debts also not that bad. imagine you on debts, but u use the money to play turbo and 1.8l, thn one day u king kong kiau. thn u get FOC.... you no need to pay 4ever but get to enjoy 1st...

wahahahah...MCH. like that also can.
i blur abt the insurance la....
i heard they were talkin abt 3rd party....
coz my car edi finish paying....
then they say somethin like normally ppl finish pay the car liao then insured 3rd party...
i'm not sure abt this...
need to ask my father wat kindda insurance policy he buy......

if like dat...
wanna go wif me to my fren;s workshop n question him???
i oso got think b4...
ask him go "worsen" my car...
hope to claim more...
but then they edi took pics like 15mins after accident....
n police oso taken pics edi......

dun care bout claim more or wat la....
wat till the adjuster come n see how much can claim....
here agak oso no use one.....
after dat oni sit down n do calculation....
most probably my car will hav few tone during CNY.....

coz i was told my insurance company kindda slow one.......
need 2weeks then oni the adjuster come over n see my car....
so my car literrary park at workshop do nth......
if the damage wasnt so bad.....
if my front passenger door still can open....
i'd still drive around......

gimme "waktu rehat" till my car complete ok???
dun wanna think abt performance now.....
just wanna settle n get the best out of this repair.....
settle this liao then oni think other things......
i also got the ori bumber....
calvin sud know that...
calvin... wat u say also true...
bodypart better try to keep more low profile...
dun forget urs is illegal....
and claim wat u can claim now u dun make more damage later the insurance company see so big claim then they will start to find ur weakness and try not to pay full or even avoid paying....
ok. insurans claims is very simple.

there is 2 types. i dunno what is the proper terms but since everyone using the same terms so shall i. There is so call 1st party policy and 3rd party policy. 1st party means should u happen accident, the policy will cover your car and the other party car. 3rd party means if there is accident, and If you're in fault, then the victim can claim on you. But you urself canot claim regardless your victim or the cause of accident.

SO if your case is 3rd party insurans, thn all the repair on your car u will have to fork out. But im sure yours is not the case. coz you've mentioned there is adjuster came and take pic on your car. If your car was not covered, the adjuster wun even bother your car but to snap pic on victim car coz that is the car they need to pay and they need to value what is the damange cost.

moreover, if yours is 3rd party, the workshop most likely will tell you up front coz they scared later they repair thn collect no money.

you can worsen the car damage. you can go and bang more but since polis and adjuster has taken pic, there is nothing u can do.

i guess your car will "stuck" in there got at least good 3 weeks. u should pray to able to collect the car be4 CNY
few K's normally they dun bother. Only exceed 10k then they will really go dig up. Anyway alot of those serious acident, rm7k-8k can kaotim. I still remmeber my ex Waja, bang the rear satria at 60kmh at least (satria standstill), the whole repair fees not even more thn RM8k but look at the car shape was like...............

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